Talent Tech Solutions

We’re just what you are looking for

To be the company of choice in the provision of quality information communication technology services and timely solutions

About Us

Talent Tech Solutions Inc is an Information Technology Solutions and Services provider located in the Dallas region. We are committed to delivering quality services and support to assist our clients. Our mission is towards the assurance of excellence with innovative and cost-effective solutions to our customers. We are a dedicated team of IT specialists with considerable experience in IT services and technical solutions on a local as well as international scale.

About Us
awesome services

What we offer

In the competitive business world, there is no specific rulebook that can prepare business to handle unpredictable turns and twists.

Most companies are under pressure to do more with less resources and time irrespective of industry and each organization has people doing mission- critical yet routine, repetitive work.

Organization are struggling to scale up the IT infrastructure as they face big data challenge. But, many of them may have inadequate resources and time to solve the problem of data processing.

Managing data to make better business decisions is critical to any organization’s success in today’s world.

We offer a wide range of Web  Development Services from collecting and identifying special needs to deliver and implement custom solutions based on the requirement.

We offer a wide range of Mobile Application Development Services from collecting and identifying special needs to deliver and implement custom solutions based on the requirement.

Our Products

Human Resources Management System (HRMS)

Our Human Resources Management System (HRMS) software combination of several systems and processes to ensure the easy management of human resources functions, such as storing employee data, recruitment, benefits administration, time and attendance, Invoicing, managing payroll, employee performance management, and tracking competency and training records. HRMS ensures everyday human resources processes are manageable and easy to access. It merges human resources as a discipline and its basic HR activities and processes with the information technology field. Overall HRMS have their origin from software that integrates information from different applications into one universal database. The linkage of its financial and human resource modules through one database is the most important distinction to the individually and proprietarily developed predecessors, which makes this software application both rigid and flexible.


Thank you for your interest in working with us. We believe our job is to help improve people’s life. We are committed towards a diversified workforce. 

Please email your resume to info@talenttechsol.com

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